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26.Mai 2023 17:40 Uhr

DocMorris AG , ISIN: CH0042615283

DocMorris AG / Schlagwort(e): Anleihe

DocMorris gibt Resultate des Rückkaufangebots für ihre ausstehende CHF 200 Millionen-Anleihe mit Fälligkeit 2024 bekannt

26.05.2023 / 17:40 CET/CEST

Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR

Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


This announcement is not a prospectus and not an offer of securities for sale in any jurisdiction, including in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.


Frauenfeld, 26. Mai 2023


Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR


DocMorris gibt Resultate des Rückkaufangebots für ihre ausstehende CHF 200 Millionen-Anleihe mit Fälligkeit 2024 bekannt

Am 12. Mai 2023 lud die DocMorris AG (die «Gesellschaft» oder «DocMorris») ihre Anleihensgläubiger ein, die am 21. November 2024 fälligen 2.50% Anleihensobligationen (die «Anleihen») zu den im Informationsmemorandum vom 12. Mai 2023 dargelegten Konditionen anzudienen (das «Rückkaufangebot»).

Der Gesamtbetrag der Anleihen, die bis zum Ablaufdatum des Rückkaufangebots am 26. Mai 2023 gültig angedient und von der Gesellschaft zum Kauf angenommen wurden, beträgt CHF 109'155?000, was 55% des Gesamtnennbetrags der Anleihen entspricht.

Der Rückkaufpreis beträgt CHF 4'900.00 pro Anleihe (CHF 5'000.00) beziehungsweise 98.00% des Nennwerts, zuzüglich aufgelaufener und nicht bezahlter Zinsen von CHF 65.97 (1.32%).

Die Zahlung der Gesamtgegenleistung und die Rücklieferung der Anleihen im Rahmen des Rückkaufsangebots erfolgt Zug-um-Zug (Delivery versus Payment) mit Valuta 1. Juni 2023.

Kontakt für Analysten und Investoren

Dr. Daniel Grigat, Group Head of Investor Relations & Sustainability

E-Mail:, Telefon: +41 58 810 11 49

Kontakt für Medien

Lisa Lüthi, Group Director Communications

E-Mail:, Telefon: +41 52 724 08 14



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Die Schweizer DocMorris AG ist ein führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Online-Apotheke, Marktplatz sowie professionelle Gesundheitsversorgung mit starken Marken in Deutschland und weiteren europäischen Ländern. Als grösste Online-Apotheke Deutschlands betreibt sie mit DocMorris die bekannteste Gesundheitsplattform. Die Belieferung erfolgt hauptsächlich aus dem hochautomatisierten Logistikzentrum im niederländischen Heerlen mit einer Kapazität von 27 Millionen Paketen pro Jahr. In Spanien und Frankreich betreibt das Unternehmen den in Südeuropa führenden Marktplatz für Gesundheits- und Pflegeprodukte. Mit ihrem Geschäftsmodell bietet DocMorris ihren Patienten, Kunden und Partnern ein breites Spektrum an Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Sie verfolgt damit die Vision, ein digitales Gesundheitsökosystem zu schaffen, in der die Menschen ihre Gesundheit mit einem Klick managen können. Das Unternehmen wurde im Mai 2023 von Zur Rose Group AG in DocMorris AG umfirmiert, nachdem das Schweizer Geschäft an Migros/Medbase verkauft wurde.  Ohne Einbezug des Schweizer Geschäfts erzielten im Jahr 2022 rund 2'200 Mitarbeiter in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Spanien, Frankreich und der Schweiz mit rund 10 Mio. Kunden einen Aussenumsatz von CHF 1?159 Mio. Die Aktien der DocMorris AG sind an der SIX Swiss Exchange kotiert (Valor 4261528, ISIN CH0042615283, Ticker DOCM). Weitere Informationen unter



This announcement regarding the Tender Offer does not constitute an offer or an invitation to participate in the Tender Offer in any jurisdiction in which, or to any person to or from which, it is unlawful to make such invitation or for there to be such participation under applicable securities laws. The distribution of this press release in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this press release comes are required to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions. No action has been or will be taken in any jurisdiction in relation to the Tender Offer that would permit a public offering of securities in any such jurisdiction.

Switzerland and General

This document and the Tender Offer information memorandum (the "Information Memorandum") neither constitute a prospectus nor a similar notice within the meaning of Article 35 or 69 of the Swiss Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA) nor a prospectus within the meaning of the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange or under any other applicable laws. The Tender Offer will be made based on the Information Memorandum, which is not a prospectus or a similar notice within the meaning of Article 35 and 69 FinSA. The Information Memorandum will be, if and when published, available free of charge from UBS AG, Investment Bank, Swiss Prospectus Switzerland, P.O. Box, 8098 Zurich, Switzerland, Att: Prospectus Library (phone: +41 (0)44 239 47 03, email:

United States

The Tender Offer is not being made, and will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into, or by use of the mail of, or by any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce of or of any facilities of a national securities exchange of, the United States or to or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons as defined in Regulation S of the Securities Act (each a "U.S. person"). This includes, but is not limited to, facsimile transmission, electronic mail, telex, telephone and the internet and other forms of electronic communication. The Bonds may not be tendered for purchase pursuant to the Tender Offer by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility from or within the United States or by any persons located or resident in the United States as defined in Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") or to U.S. persons. Accordingly, copies of the Tender Offer Information Memorandum and any other documents or materials relating to the Tender Offer are not being, and must not be, directly or indirectly, mailed or otherwise transmitted, distributed or forwarded (including, without limitation, by custodians, nominees or trustees) in or into the United States or to persons located or resident in the United States or to U.S. persons. Any purported offers to tender Bonds pursuant to the Tender Offer resulting, directly or indirectly, from a violation of these restrictions will be invalid, and any purported tender of Bonds made by a U.S. person, a person located or resident in the United States or from within the United States or from any agent, fiduciary or other intermediary acting on a non-discretionary basis for a principal giving instructions from within the United States or any U.S. person will not be accepted. Each Bondholder participating in the Tender Offer will represent to the Offeror, the Dealer Managers and Tender Agent that it is not located or resident in the United States and is not a U.S. person and is not giving an order to participate in the Tender Offer from within the United States or on behalf of a U.S. person.

United Kingdom

The communication of the Information Memorandum, the Prospectus and any other documents or materials relating to the Tender Offer is not being made and such documents and/or materials have not been approved by an authorised person for the purposes of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended. Accordingly, such documents and/or materials are not being distributed to, are not directed at and must not be passed on to, the general public in the United Kingdom. The communication of such documents and/or materials as a financial promotion is only being made to persons within the United Kingdom falling within the definition of investment professionals (as defined in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order")) or falling within Article 43(2) of the Order, or to other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated (together "relevant persons"). The investment activity to which this document relates will only be engaged in with relevant persons and persons who are not relevant persons should not rely on it.


European Economic Area and United Kingdom

In any Member State of the European Economic Area (the "EEA") or in the United Kingdom (each, a "Relevant State"), the Tender Offer is only addressed to, and is only directed at, qualified investors in that Relevant State within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the "Prospectus Regulation") or Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended (the "UK Prospectus Regulation"). Each person in a Relevant State who receives any communication in respect of the Tender Offer contemplated in the Information Memorandum or the Prospectus will be deemed to have represented, warranted and agreed to and with the Dealer Manager and Tender Agent, and to the Lead Manager and Co-Lead Manager, as applicable, and the Company that it is a qualified investor within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation or the UK Prospectus Directive, as applicable.


Ende der Adhoc-Mitteilung

Sprache: Deutsch
Unternehmen: DocMorris AG

Walzmühlestrasse 49

8500 Frauenfeld

Telefon: +41 52 724 08 14
ISIN: CH0042615283
Börsen: SIX Swiss Exchange
EQS News ID: 1643465

Ende der Mitteilung EQS News-Service

1643465  26.05.2023 CET/CEST

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